Accounting Services
From start-ups to established enterprises, businesses rely on accurate and insightful financial information in order to maintain profitability and capitalize on new opportunities.
Our services include but are not limited to:
General ledger and financial statement preparation
Full service bookkeeping (monthly, quarterly, and annual)
Accounting system support
Payroll processing
Cash flow budgeting and forecasting
Personal financial statements
Corporate tax planning and return preparation
Tax Management Services
We understand the complexities of the tax codes.
We will work for every credit and deduction you deserve, you strive for your own business works.
Federal and state income tax returns
Tax projections
Tax planning for profit maximization and tax saving
Tax problems
Estate and gift Tax
Foreign bank and financial account reporting
Federal and state income tax returns for Corporation, Limited Liability Companies, and Partnerships.
Tax compliance services
Tax planning for profit maximization and tax saving
Federal and state tax credits
International taxation
State and local tax services (monthly, quarterly & yearly)
Foreign bank and financial account reporting
Tax structure analysis and consulting
Payroll check service
Payroll tax matters
Tax Audit Services
During an audit, professional representation is an essential key to the best result.
Our experiences with tax authorities enables us to guide clients in their dealings with federal and state agencies.
We represent both corporate and individual filers for audits with:
IRS - Income and Payroll tax
Franchise Tax Board - Income Tax
State Board of Equalization - Sales Tax
Employment Development Department - Payroll Tax
County and City - Local Tax
Consulting Services
Business Consulting
Business and Corporation Setup Services
Cash Flow and Budgeting Analysis
Financial Projection and Forecasts
Strategic Business Planning